Informed members with maximum participation resulting in quality plans, programs, and stewardship.
Work day volunteering for clean-up days
Use of waivers for legal protection
Send email notices of important events as needed
Maintain directory of current membership and post on the website as needed.
Updated clear, concise, and accessible Association Covenants, By Laws, and Rules posted on website.
Maintain and update Association Web Site; post announcements of events and activities.
Semi-annual newsletters provided to members through email, and posted to official Association Web Site.
Support use of NEXTDOOR/Town Square for limited RRR Social Networking, alerts, and unofficial posting of announcements.
Sustain Welcoming Committee as a part of the character of the Association. Welcome both new members and new homeowners.
Administrative - Annual meetings and special meetings attendance meet quorum requirements for business decisions.
Community Clean-Up Days - Scheduled each Spring & Fall with active participation.
Operational - Committee membership and volunteer support for committee activities insures program success.
Social - Barn Party potluck following clean-up day
Town Hall Meetings - Scheduled periodically to provide a forum for membership understanding and input on process / procedures and issues that affect the community.