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Board of Directors

The River Ridge Ranch Board of Directors is an elected body whose operations are governed by the motto, FOR THE GOOD OF THE MANY, WITH RESPECT FOR THE INDIVIDUAL.  You may view our goals here.  The Association facilitates the establishment of community goals that are guided by near-term objectives designed to either attain or sustain these goals.

The Board of Directors governs the Association based upon the By Laws  designed to ensure the letter and intent of the Covenants are enforced for the "good of the many".

Stewardship of resources for both annual operations and long-range maintenance and improvement are reflected in the budget.

If you have any questions or comments about the Association, please contact us via email or call.


Your Association is here to serve your community and you!


Architectural Control 
Tim Blair, ACC Chair
Sam McAdoo & Jennifer Brown
Click to Contact

Trail Maintenance
Jerry Brown

Wildlife Management
Cliff Friesen

Gate Keeper
Jesse Armantrout

Lisanne Gross

Tracy Winfield &

Shelly Hanson

Management Company
(as of 1 Dec. 2024)

Ascension Property Management
Paul Yehl

P.O. Box 306 
Salado, TX  76571


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