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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I get member access to the site?

Click on “Log In” in the upper right-hand corner of this page.
New to this site? Sign Up; click on the Sign-Up hyperlink
You are able to Sign up with Facebook / Google or your email. If you choose
your email, you will be asked to put in your email and a password. Click on “Sign Up”. You will
be contacted by email by our System Administrator and will have access to the website. Be
aware that there are realtors with this access, you will see their names under membership. If
you are not accepted to the RRR website, check your email for a verification of POA ownership
or contact the Administrator, RRR BOD, Donna Rhodes, 254-371-2160;


2. Am I required to have a RRR sticker on my vehicle? How do I get one?

No, not a requirement but you may get a few waves from neighbors. The RRR sticker is
part of our Neighborhood Watch program, and you’re encouraged to have one; there is no cost.
POC is the Administrator, RRR., 
Donna Rhodes, 254-371-2160.


3. How do I get a gate RF ID sticker for the RRR Gate entrance?

Form can be found here on the website. From the Documents menu, select RF ID Card Request.
POC is Jesse Armantrout, 512-590-1980 and he can collect your money.


4. What is “clean up” day?

Our POA sponsors this community activity twice a year (Spring & Fall) to clean up the
common areas at RRR. We also use this as a time to help neighbors who ask for help or may
have special requests. Of course, anytime is also appreciated, i.e. picking up trash or mowing a
common area or even your own property. Coordinate your personal efforts with the Chief of
Operations, Kevin Hansen, 503-559-8384.


5. How can I look up my property at RRR?

For specific property and other public information, Bell County CAD
( is your best source. If you search by your name or Street name,
you should have no trouble. It’s a great source of information. We have a simple map with
POA owners’ names posted on our website; updated at least annually. If you have a graphics
talent/skill for making this map simpler, please contact Lisa Gross, 254-289-6634.

6. Do I need to ask permission to build a barn, playground, fence after I’ve moved into my home? What about flags, rain collection or solar panels?

Yes. When in doubt, contact the ACC, POC is Tim Blair, 254-278-1067, Posted on
our RRR Website are the documents:

a) The Covenants, Art. III Architectural Control Committee reviews ACC requirements.
b) RRR By-Laws, Art. 13 reviews Flags, Solar Panels, Roof Shingles, Rain Barrels and Religious Displays.


7. Do I have to create an account on the RRR Website to access information?

Yes. This protects our personal information.


8. Where can I read the Covenants, By-Laws, Rules, etc. that govern our community?

RRR web site. These documents are also publicly posted on the Goodwin & Co. website.  This is where we direct realtors and others inquiring about our CCRs & By-Laws.


9. What is Firewise?

This program is managed by the Texas A&M Forest Service and includes both education and
services (i.e., property assessment, chipping) to encourage homeowners and communities to
take action to reduce their wildfire risk. Your insurance company may recognize the program
and add a discount to your policy (i.e. USAA does this). POC at RRR is Jim Bondi, 254-291-0646.


10. What do I do if I arrive at RRR gate and there has been a power outage? Who do I call?

Recommend you put some or all of these numbers in your phone.

Jess Armantrout 512-590-1980

Kevin Hansen 503-559-8384

Susanne Fratzke 646-220-4678

Jerry Brown 512-750-9760


11. I’d like to volunteer for (mowing, park clean up, trail maintenance, party planning, etc.) in
our community, who do I contact?

Contact VP, Operations, Kevin Hansen, 503-559-8384, or any board member.

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